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Some of the most notable ones are: Suction cup and Gripper

Both of these are controlled exaclty the same way. Let's see how to use them.

Suction cup


Please check with manual that you have plugged the effector into the correct port.

Suction cup is a simple effector that can be used to pick up small objects by creating a vacuum.

import os
from dobotapi import Dobot

bot = Dobot()

bot.suction_cup.suck() # Enable the suction cup

os.system("pause") # Wait for the user to press any key

bot.suction_cup.idle() # Disable the suction cup

bot.close() # Properly close the connection, also disables the suction cup



Please check with manual that you have plugged the effector into the correct port.

Gripper is a simple effector that grabs items by squeezing them.

import os
from dobotapi import Dobot

bot = Dobot()
bot.connect() # Open the gripper

os.system("pause") # Wait for the user to press any key

bot.gripper.close() # Close the gripper

os.system("pause") # Wait for the user to press any key

bot.gripper.idle() # Return the gripper to idle

bot.close() # Properly close the connection, also returns the gripper to idle